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Audio guide
Phone covenrsation turned to audio guide More...
"Change, monitor, implement"
Working group meetings More...
"Change, monitor, implement"
"Change, monitor, implement" is a project that the Center for Independent More...
Meeting with Municipality representatives
On Monday, May 23, in the office of Center More...
European Day of Independent Living
At the level of the network of Centers More...

SHARE-SEE is the acronym standing for
Self- Help & Advocacy for Rights & Equal opportunities in South East Europe.

What does it mean?

It means that people with disabilities should have the same opportunities as any other citizen to participate fully in social, political, economical and cultural activities of the community.

It means that the society should facilitate this participation with adequate service provision and supportive legislation . .

It means also that people with disability have to develop their abilities and capacities to advocate for their rights and to take the opportunities that could exist .


The SHARE-SEE project started in January 2003 with the aim to strengthen civil society for the promotion of Rights, full participation and equal opportunities for people with disabilities in South-East Europe.

The project covers directly the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Union of Serbia and Montenegro (Serbia, Montenegro and the Autonomous Province of Kosovo under the Administration of UNMIK), FYR of Macedonia

SHARE-SEE is funded by the UK Department for International Development, the Balkan Trust Fund, the U.S. State Department through ITF and by Handicap International


The SHARE-SEE project wants to contribute to the development of the capacity of Disabled People Organisations (DPOs) and thereby to promote equal opportunities and full participation of People with Disabilities (PWDs) in South East Europe. 

The project supports Disabled People Organisations as a priority, convinced that self-representation is a key point in the process of advocacy for rights and equal opportunities .

The ambition is to foster a regional disability movement and to create conditions for a long-term social change. SHARE-SEE expects to bring about change in the attitude of community, society and public authorities in order to create an environment where people with disabilities have equal opportunities.

The project promotes cross disability movement and considers disability as a human rights issue. The project is particularly concerned by the situation of women with disabilities and will pay a special attention to this issue

korisnici prave planove korisnici prave planove

The five core-partners acting as equal partners :

Center for Independent Living (CIL)
Association of Students with Disabilities
Handicap International
IC Lotos
Polio Plus - Movement Against Disability

Official site: